The Ladder of Perspective

You may perceive that you have more success in some areas of your life than others. you may feel much better about some areas of your life than others. 

You’re about to discover the 12 areas of your life that will most benefit from your focus and attention and kickstart the ripple effect of happiness across all 12 areas of your life. 

As you ascend “The Ladder Of Perspective,” more becomes apparent and more is revealed to you. You see more. You see things that were not visible to you on the lower rungs. 

You can experience more confidence, more self worth, more good feelings, and eliminate things that have been dragging you down without you even knowing it.

Here are 12 major life areas.

Score each of these areas out of 10, where 0 is very unhappy and 10 is as happy as can be, couldn’t be better.

Your Happiness Score

Your Happiness Gap

Low Perspective Areas

The smaller the number, the happier you’re feeling. Perfection, bliss is zero gap – a gap score of zero.

As your perspective rises in these 12 key areas, your Happiness Gap will shrink and you’ll be happier.

This is your current perspective of your life areas, how you currently see them. Someone else might think that your low areas are higher and your high areas lower – it’s how you see your current situation, which is a matter of Perspective. You are very likely to see it differently soon.

Make a note of any of your 12 scores where you gave a 5 or less. Lower scoring areas affect every part of your life.

Repeat the Gap calculation every month without referring back to your previous scores out of 12 until you’ve done this month’s calculation.

The Plan

You’ll want to raise your lower scores over time because lower perspectives leak into all other areas of your life.

True and lasting happiness, fulfillment, love and purpose, and ultimately bliss, can only be found when you have a high perspective in all areas of your life.

You know that you are on your way to real happiness when your perspective is above the horizon line – which is when all of your scores are 6 or more.

Your external circumstances may or may not improve (they probably will) but the initial aim is to raise your Perspective on your circumstances. Once you raise your perspective, your circumstances will follow.