Being Found In Google Search, On Page SEO and Off Page SEO
SEO is the art and science of having your website found in online search and then getting a click.
Popular search engines include Google, Bing and Yahoo. Facebook started experimenting with online search in late 2018.
Here’s a checklist of both On Page SEO and Off Page SEO tactics:
On page SEO – these are measures taken directly within a website to improve its position in search rankings. Examples include keyword research for optimizing content or improving meta tags. Examples:
- Keyword research
- Page titles for search success and to get a click
- Header tags (headlines, H1s)
- Meta descriptions to get a click
- URLs with keywords
- Fresh, original page content, copy
- Alt image tags
- Internal links and anchor text
- Sitemaps
- Robots txt files, crawl budget
- Avoiding duplicate or copied content
Use Google Tools – Analytics, Search Console, Google My Business.
Off Page SEO – these are techniques used to improve the position of a website on search engine results pages (SERPs). Examples:
- Load speed
- Mobile
- Domain age
- Domain renewal period.
Off Page SEO tasks – ongoing work
- Traffic – popularity
- Inbound links (backlinks) and anchor text
- Guest blogging on other sites
- Article writing and blogging on your site; creating topics, angles and formats based on what people are searching for
- Facebook Group participation
- Twitter commenting
- Commenting on blogs, especially those where you can place your website link
- Forum participation
- Social media posting
- Become a Wikipedia Editor. Wikipedia submissions on relevant topics, linking to your site where relevant
- Micro influencer marketing – Instagram
- Guest bloggers on your site; they post their blog socially
- Affiliates / JVs – rent traffic
- Optimized YouTube Channel
- Podcasting – invite guests
- Co-publishing
- Virtual summits, public speaking, events.
Top Tip
Email! Getting traffic to your site is the first step. The next step is conversion – what do you want people to do once they get to your site? Most people don’t buy on their first visit to a website, so you need to stay in front of them with email and remarketing.
The number one online marketing tool for most businesses is email. So, once you get a website visitor, collect their name and email address – create a list building and nurturing plan.