Being Found In Google Search, On Page SEO and Off Page SEO

SEO is the art and science of having your website found in online search and then getting a click.

Popular search engines include Google, Bing and Yahoo. Facebook started experimenting with online search in late 2018.

Here’s a checklist of both On Page SEO and Off Page SEO tactics:

On page SEO – these are measures taken directly within a website to improve its position in search rankings. Examples include keyword research for optimizing content or improving meta tags. Examples:

  1. Keyword research
  2. Page titles for search success and to get a click
  3. Header tags (headlines, H1s)
  4. Meta descriptions to get a click
  5. URLs with keywords
  6. Fresh, original page content, copy
  7. Alt image tags
  8. Internal links and anchor text
  9. Sitemaps
  10. Robots txt files, crawl budget
  11. Avoiding duplicate or copied content

Use Google Tools – Analytics, Search Console, Google My Business.

Off Page SEO – these are techniques used to improve the position of a website on search engine results pages (SERPs). Examples:

  1. Load speed
  2. SSL
  3. Mobile
  4. Domain age
  5. Domain renewal period.

Off Page SEO tasks – ongoing work

  1. Traffic – popularity
  2. Inbound links (backlinks) and anchor text
  3. Guest blogging on other sites
  4. Article writing and blogging on your site; creating topics, angles and formats based on what people are searching for
  5. Facebook Group participation
  6. Twitter commenting
  7. Commenting on blogs, especially those where you can place your website link
  8. Forum participation
  9. Social media posting
  10. Become a Wikipedia Editor. Wikipedia submissions on relevant topics, linking to your site where relevant
  11. Micro influencer marketing – Instagram
  12. Guest bloggers on your site; they post their blog socially
  13. Affiliates / JVs – rent traffic
  14. Optimized YouTube Channel
  15. Podcasting – invite guests
  16. Co-publishing
  17. Virtual summits, public speaking, events.

Top Tip
Email! Getting traffic to your site is the first step. The next step is conversion – what do you want people to do once they get to your site?  Most people don’t buy on their first visit to a website, so you need to stay in front of them with email and remarketing.

The number one online marketing tool for most businesses is email. So, once you get a website visitor, collect their name and email address – create a list building and nurturing plan.

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