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The 10 Minute A Day Happiness Hack

PLUS the unconventional technique that will allow for you to not just feel happy for a few minutes, but will have you feeling good most of the time!

One day not long ago, it suddenly hit me that I wasn’t happy.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that this wasn’t just a momentary thing. I was actually less happy than I used to be.

Sometimes I was grumpy, but when I looked at what made me grumpy, the reasons were unconvincing. I realized I was just grumpy. For no obvious reason. I didn’t like feeling like this, it was unpleasant, I preferred the me who used to be happy and excited about life.

I didn’t know how or why I’d fallen into this hole. It was unlike me. This was not who I am.

Why was I experiencing this? When I wasn’t like this before.

I’d always believed that it is our nature to be happy, that happiness is a natural tendency. But now this belief was being severely tested. So I started looking for answers. There’s a lot of information out there.

I tried everything. Programs, methods, routines, techniques, ideas. None of it was working. I still felt Unhappy. And I was starting to get frustrated as well.

Eventually I discovered some things I could do to get happier. And from there, over time I boiled it down to five happiness exercises I could do in just 10 minutes a day. And these five exercises made me happier. Much happier.

I named it my Happiness Hack.

Rob Turner