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These are the types of breakthroughs you will experience when you use my Happiness Hack in your day to day life:

  • Feel really really really good, most of the time!
  • Become less grumpy and start finding more joy in your days
  • Notice how much more YOU are smiling (Spoiler alert: LOTS!)

AND… Notice how other people are saying “Hi!” and smiling at you because your “vibe” has graduated to a whole new level. 

To Your Happiness

Rob Turner

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Who is Rob Turner?

Hi. I’m Rob Turner, I’m an Author, Coach and the creator of the 10 Minute Happiness Hack.

I work with people who want to feel happier, more purposeful and satisfied, to unlock their creativity and to be all they can be. To reach their potential.

I trained in co-counselling and I worked with men looking for more meaning and purpose in their lives. Nowadays I coach both men and women, in fact these days, I have more women clients.   

I’ve just written a book “Belief Alchemy”  – which is about turning the negative into positive, turning unhappiness, stress, limiting beliefs, fear – into a life of happiness. The book will be available via my website shortly. 

I have 2 university degrees, I’ve founded a number of businesses over the years and grew and then exited an investment management business in a venture capital buyout. 

That was then. Now I do this which is much more fun and far more satisfying. And I’m happier! 

And I can travel and live in different countries – France, India and my home country, New Zealand.