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The 10 Minute A Day Happiness Hack

PLUS the unconventional technique that will allow for you to not just feel happy for a few minutes, but will have you feeling good most of the time!

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One day not long ago, it suddenly hit me that I wasn’t happy.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that this wasn’t just a momentary thing. I was actually less happy than I used to be.

Sometimes I was grumpy, but when I looked at what made me grumpy, the reasons were unconvincing. I realized I was just grumpy. For no obvious reason. I didn’t like feeling like this, it was unpleasant, I preferred the me who used to be happy and excited about life.

I didn’t know how or why I’d fallen into this hole. It was unlike me. This was not who I am.

Why was I experiencing this? When I wasn’t like this before.

I’d always believed that it is our nature to be happy, that happiness is a natural tendency. But now this belief was being severely tested. So I started looking for answers. There’s a lot of information out there.

I tried everything. Programs, methods, routines, techniques, ideas. None of it was working. I still felt Unhappy. And I was starting to get frustrated as well.

Eventually I discovered some things I could do to get happier. And from there, over time I boiled it down to five happiness exercises I could do in just 10 minutes a day. And these five exercises made me happier. Much happier.

I named it my Happiness Hack.

One day not long ago, it suddenly hit me that I wasn’t happy.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that this wasn’t just a momentary thing. I was actually less happy than I used to be.

Sometimes I was grumpy, but when I looked at what made me grumpy, the reasons were unconvincing. I realized I was just grumpy. For no obvious reason. I didn’t like feeling like this, it was unpleasant, I preferred the me who used to be happy and excited about life.

I didn’t know how or why I’d fallen into this hole. It was unlike me. This was not who I am.

Why was I experiencing this? When I wasn’t like this before.

I’d always believed that it is our nature to be happy, that happiness is a natural tendency. But now this belief was being severely tested. So I started looking for answers. There’s a lot of information out there.

I tried everything. Programs, methods, routines, techniques, ideas. None of it was working. I still felt Unhappy. And I was starting to get frustrated as well.

Eventually I discovered some things I could do to get happier. And from there, over time I boiled it down to five happiness exercises I could do in just 10 minutes a day. And these five exercises made me happier. Much happier.

I named it my Happiness Hack.

Rob Turner

These are the types of breakthroughs you'll experience when you use my “Happiness Hack” in your day to day life:

  • Feel really really really good, most of the time!
  • Become less grumpy and start finding more joy in your days
  • Notice how much more YOU are smiling (LOTS!)
  • AND… Notice how other people are saying “Hi!” and smiling at you because your “vibe” has graduated to a whole new level.

In my free video training you’ll receive the 5 Happiness Hack Steps that you can do in 10 minutes a day – to get happier.

It’s fun! And fun is a great start to getting happier!

You can get your copy on this page. 

See you there! 

Here’s what people are saying about Rob Turner
and his Happiness Hack method:

I highly recommend working with Rob to anyone who wants to experience their true potential. Rob is an advanced coach who will help you understand why your life is at a stand-still, and how to revive and live your dreams. His extensive knowledge as a business and spiritual coach and course-leader, combined with his heartfelt compassion and personal life experience, will steer you past your deepest fears and limitations.

If you want to rediscover your forgotten joy for life… if you want to unearth your life’s purpose and actually live it, you’ll want to work with Rob. To use the term “life-changing” isn’t a cliché in this respect.
Jessica A
I was dealing with becoming suddenly widowed and losing my mother within a 4 week period. With the grief of losing my husband and mother, I was struggling with redefining my way forward. I turned to Rob as a mindset and limiting belief coach.

I have enjoyed working with Rob. He has a great passion, positivity and insight for helping/guiding others on their journey to embrace a happier and more empowered self. Through our sessions I have gained a better understanding of my thought patterns and how they impact my daily life. I am now beginning to look forward to whatever comes next, and to view it all as an adventure. Thanks Rob!
June T
I have worked with Rob for years now, meeting with him both in person and on Zoom and found him to be one of the most insightful, empowering, and technically advanced coaches I have ever worked with. Every session I’ve ever had with Rob, I’ve walked away, knowing a little bit more about myself, and what my potential is. I highly recommend Rob as a business coach, life coach, and spiritual coach.
Jerry M
Rob is the real deal. He’s one of the most genuine, caring business professionals I know. He’s great at listening then providing solutions. His knowledge is vast and conveys it in a way that is easier to understand and executable. He has high integrity and is a valuable resource! I have really enjoyed working with him and his partner, Trace. They are a dynamo team!
Camille R
Rob is an excellent coach who is flexible and adaptive,. He works with what you can do at the time and gives you the ability to believe in yourself and see you are capable of change in any direction you focus on. I highly recommend his coaching services.